
Sunday, April 25, 2010

September 1st-2009

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Trip to Thailand- Nov-2007

Dinner at a Seafood restuarant.... Great and CHEAP seafood!!!

On the beach!!

At the Airport, Koh Samui, Thailand.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Field Trip-English Summer Camp-2007

Hungry Hearts

Walking through the busy street
makes me feel so lonely....
Oh! How I wish that there is someone walking with me,
loving me, caring for me and protecting me

throughout this long journey of life...

Just watching lovers cuddled together on the streets
makes my heart feel bitter!
Hey, Prince Charming!! Where are you??
When are you gonna give me your love?
When are we gonna share our lives together?
When? When? When?
How I wish you could come and release
my hungry heart....

The seed of love has not yet ripen,
it takes time, but it will!
How many of us has the perseverance to wait?
Hardly any!!!!
But the ones who were patient enough,
did find someone special.
If you care to wait patiently,
you'll definitely find someone,
someone you love,
someone to call your own.

This is a promise from the God of Love,
one day, the Cupid of Love shall appear....
And all the hungry hearts on Earth would be fed!

Someone, somewhere, somehow you'll meet...
That special someone who is made especially for you!!
Trust me... Someday it will happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Jan, 1999


You and only you

Wherever I go,
Whatever I do,
I can only see you...
I feel that you are always very near and close to me.
You are the one I like,
You are the one I miss,
You are the one I care,
You are the one I trust.
You are the one who can make me cry and laugh.
You are the one
whom I can share all my feelings with.
You and only you can chase away my sorrow.
You and only you can bring joy to my life.
I feel so wonderful that I have you in my life.
You are my inspiration.
You are my past.
You are my present.
You and only you are my future.
You and only you are the most dear and special friend of all.
Thank you for being you....
Dated: Oct. 1st, 1996


Me and only me

In my living room with Bruce Lee, the kung fu master.. hehehehe!!!!
" Knowing is not enough, we must apply."
" Willing is not enough, we must do."

With Students

With my favorite student, Kai.

With student, Zoe.

With student, Bernie.

With students, Lynn and Kai.

My darling -Kai.

Isn't Kai adorable??


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


With Kyle and Anna.

With Felix and Stanley.

With Megan, Kyle, Angela and Debbie in Hsinchu.

With Kyle at the Kindergarten's Graduation Show.

With friend, Tammy.

Norah, Pats and myself.... We three gals.... happy!!

With Steve and Norah at Pats marriage.

With Norah in Lung Tan at Pats marriage.

With Pats at her wedding day, April-2005.

Michael Learns to Rock

Love you guys, MLTR!! Your songs are amazing!
MLTR concert, 07-07-2007, 7p.m.

Michael Learns to Rock Concert in Taipei.


Lung Tan, April-2007

With Pats, Rung, Jackson and Norah.

With Norah, Rung and Tam.

With Norah in the hotel.

With Rung, Pats, Tam and Norah.

With Norah.

With Rung, Tammy and Pats.


With Friends-2005

These pictures were taken with my friends over the years and I finally have time to upload them, hehehe!!! Sorry for the late post.

With Tammy, John and Kathy at Warner Village, Taipei.

With John, October-2005, Taichung

With Tammy and John,October-2005,Tai Chung.

With Brent at Pei Tou.

The great view from the mountain, Taipei.

With Yung Pei, Y.P.

Beautiful sea view.

At Yeh Liu, August-2005.

With Marco, Joyce and Herbert.

With Marco.
With Joyce, Herbert and the Laughing Budda- May 2005.
